Zone Data

Dino tries to mirror as little data as possible from PowerDNS. To enable permission managment, dino stores a list of zone names within the database. However, there is no permanent storage of the zone records. The zone list is refreshed each time a user opens the zone list.

Modifications like creating zones or deleting records are always carried out live via the PowerDNS API, if and only if the appropriate UI features are used. There is no syncing happening in the background.

Modifcation outside dino

Since dino has to store some of the PowerDNS data localy, there are some currently some caveats when modifying data outside dino. We are working to resolve most of them in future releaes.

  • deleting zones outside of dino is not supported and will result in errors
  • zones can be created outside dino and will be synced
  • records can be created, changed and deleted outside dino and will be shown
  • concurrent editing of the same zone from within inside and outside dino is not recommended due to the nature of the PowerDNS API. Assuming a small enough time window, some records might get lost.